Wildfire Resources for New Mexico
- Wildfire Evacuation Checklist
An wildfire evacuation checklist that will help you efficiently recognize and prioritize common material categories for evacuation consideration.
- Priceless Family Heirloom List
A broad listing of common heirlooms to consider for wildfire evacuation purposes.
- Emergency Notification System List by New Mexico Counties
An informational listing by New Mexico counties of available emergency notification contact systems. No links provided in list. Search individual county websites for sign-up information/links.
- Wildfire Season in New Mexico
What you need to know to protect your family, animals, and property.
- Ready, Set, Go! New Mexico
Your personal wildland fire action guide for New Mexico.
- Living with Fire - A Guide for the New Mexico Homeowner
Create defensible space and fire harden your home.
- A Guide to Staying Safe during Wildfire
- Asbestos and Natural Disasters Guide
In particular, see section 3: Wildfires and Asbestos Exposure.
Post-Fire Resources
- United Policyholders
We’ve got your back when insurance matters. United Policyholders is a non-profit 501(c)(3) whose mission is to be a trustworthy and useful information resource and a respected voice for consumers of all types of insurance in all 50 states. We don’t take money from insurance companies. We give you the straight scoop. Guide you on buying insurance and navigating claims. Fight for your rights.
- After Wildfire - A Guide for New Mexico Communities
This guide was written to help New Mexico communities recover after wildfire. It includes information on how to mobilize your community, a list of resources available to communities and individuals for assistance, and a technical guide with information about post-fire treatments.
Extension Wildfire Webinars Series
Reminder - Wildfire Community Preparedness Day (May 3rd, 2025)
- Wildfire Community Preparedness Day is May 3rd
Click on link to learn more.